
Dry Or Wet, Dog Food? - How to choose

Dry or wet dog food, which is better? Everybody has a preference when it comes to dog foods and what you should feed your dog. Some people say wet is better, some people say dry is better and still other people say you should feed some of both. If it is a good quality food and your dog is getting all of his essential vitamins, minerals and daily nutrition, feed whatever you want. You are the one that needs to decide, dry or wet dog food?

I have found through personal experience and talking with Veterinarians and friends that Royal Canin brand dog food is a good quality food that can be found in both dry or wet/ canned food varieties. Royal Can in has a food specifically designed for almost every age, size, activity level and breed of dog, so it is easy to find a food that is geared towards your specific dog. It is available at feed stores, Pet Smart, Pet co, online and many other stores that sell good quality food. They even make a food to help with weight reduction if your little buddy gets too heavy. Royal Canin food is also available on the Veterinary level which means they make food specifically designed to be fed for treatment and prevention of certain canine ailments. 

This particular line is only available through your Veterinarian.To purchase any of these foods, please click on their picture below.   I used to feed my dog a mix of wet and dry food when he was younger because I had trouble getting him to eat his dry food without it. I switched back and forth with foods trying to find something he would eat and I finally found one he would eat without anything added to it. I started feeding my dog Royal Canin dry food, he likes it and it is specifically designed for his body type and breed.Certain breeds, sizes and ages of dogs do better eating wet/ canned food versus dry food. Small breed dogs and puppies do better with wet food because it is easier to digest. It is also helpful to feed puppies and small breed dogs wet/ canned food because it can be hard to find kibble in a size small enough for them to chew. Senior dogs tend to have a tougher time digesting their food and sometimes due to dental disease have difficulty trying to chew hard food so canned/ wet food is a good choice. 

Dogs that are prone to kidney and urinary tract issues sometimes warrant  the use of wet/ canned food over dry because of the water content found in wet/ canned food.Some dogs will not eat strictly dry food and need to have canned food added to their food. Royal Canin makes wet/ canned food as well to go along with their dry food diets. They are just as good as the dry food and they may help with the picky eater that you may have.I feed my dog strictly Royal Canin dry food now, just because it is easier for me. I work a lot of long hours and my dog goes with me to my job. We also do a lot of outdoor activities on the weekends and It is a lot easier to travel with a container of dry food in my bag than having to tote around a can or worse yet an open can of dog food when we are out and about.Some people argue that dry food is better because it helps with plaque on the teeth. 

How many dogs do you know that chew their food? My dog inhales his food, he may chew a few pieces, but not much. Some people say that wet food is better because it is more palatable and more resembles what they would have eaten in the wild. They eat bones in the wild as well, but canned food doesn’t come with bones? I think that you, your vet and your dog should make the decision whether dry or canned/ wet food is better for your dog. Weather you feed dry or wet dog food, make sure your dog is getting the right amount of food. Feeding too much or too little can lead to major health problems down the road.           