
Kennel Cough, Paraininfluenza in dogs and puppies

The Paraininfluenza virus is the most common cause of Kennel Cough amongst dogs. However Kennel Cough normally includes a host of other related viruses. Although a dog can get Kennel Cough quite badly it is not generally, by itself life threatening. Of course should your dog be weak from another condition, complications can arise. The virus is however very contagious and is easily spread amongst groups of dogs where one dog has the infection. Therefore, if a dog at a kennel has the virus, it can spread rapidly. I guess this is how Kennel Cough derived its name. Symptoms are very much like you would expect from a dog with a severe cough. Symptoms start with a dry cough which can progress into a deep racking type cough. 

Often when coughing it will appear as if something is stuck in the affected dog's throat, or that it is going to vomit. This is however the severity of the cough. If your dog has a severe cough it is advisable to take the dog to a vet. Normally, the dog can recover by itself, but it is definitely not worth the risk. Other more serious diseases can show similar symptoms to Kennel Cough and you may misdiagnose your dog's illness to its detriment. A vet can treat Kennel Cough quite effectively with the range of antibiotics that modern vets have at their disposal. Vaccinations are available to reduce the chances of you dog contracting Kennel Cough. However much like humans with flu injections, dogs can still pick up a different strain or still contract Kennel Cough, but normally with less intensity. Most vets seem to recommend vaccinations against Kennel Cough, and I go along with that thinking. Why expose your dog to any more risks than necessary. Be wise and vaccinate against Kennel Cough (Parainfluenza).