
Dog Vaccines Common sense should always prevail

Have you noticed that there is now a seasonal flu shot for dogs? Does your pooch really need it? Think about how the flu is spread; through contact in crowded places where a sick individual comes into contact with others. This is the problem with people because we spend too much time in crowds. That is not the case with your pet, unless you keep him in a kennel. And if your dog spends a lot of time in a kennel, maybe you should rethink having a pet. Dogs only go where we allow them to go, so you can keep their exposure to a minimum, and that is why the typical pet is not at risk for seasonal flu.Keep you dog in good health with a natural diet, preferably raw. This will keep their immune systems in top form. 

 Using prevention techniques is much better then flu vaccines and there are no side effects.For the other vaccines, some are good and some should be selected based upon your pet and the potential exposure to various environmental conditions that may put them at risk. If your companion is primarily an at home pet, the risk of getting any of the maladies is relatively small, but if you take your pet on hikes, or mountain biking in the woods, the potential exposure will increase. Also consider that often the initial puppy inoculation cycle may last a long time and not need additional booster shots. Some data suggests that the core vaccinations, except rabies, probably last 7 years. 

There is ample evidence that vaccines and naturally occurring exposure will stimulate the body’s immune system to form antibodies and also create a memory if the same virus is encountered again. Memory cells may persist for 20 years and are not increased by annual inoculations. There is a simple test that can determine if your pet has sufficient immunological protection from previous (puppy) shots. Ask your vet to do a Vaccine Titer Test This is a measure of how much antibody to a certain antigen is circulating in the blood at the moment of the test. It is reliable and can determine if a vaccine is warranted. Some vets can give you results in 15 minutes with TiterChekTM test kit, and the tests are no more expensive then the vaccines they will replace. This can be done at your annual checkup, and will help you from over-vaccination, which of course is much better for you pet, and he will thank you with additional years of enjoyment.Although there are dozens of vaccines it is not necessary to test for all. Good immunity for parvovirus and canine distemper virus are the 2 major tests that you should do. But, again consult with your vet to explain your life style and get recommendations, so you can make the best decision for your furry friend. 

 Many issues that could arise such as with corona virus is more determined by the condition of the canine gut (hence good nutrition) then what is in the blood. Lyme’s is another test that only needs to be run if you live in high risk areas. Please check the chart in Part 1 to determine your pet’s potential risk factors for each of the vaccines presented. Remember in most states rabies vaccines are required by law. There are 1 yr and 3 yr vaccines. They are the same dosage and product, so please ask for the 3 yr if you choose to vaccinate against rabies. You also might consider finding a holistic veterinarian that can provide you with a homeopathic rabies vaccine detox called Lyssin. This can also be obtained online for self administering, but be sure to follow the guidelines exactly. You can also request a Titers for rabies, and perhaps avoid the shot altogether.Many States and Counties offer free rabies shots. Check with your local government office to see if they have this program. 

But be careful of over vaccinating, and at some point have a Titers test run rather then take the free vaccine.Do not vaccinate your dog again if he has had a life threatening vaccine reaction.As a society we have been over vaccinating ourselves and especially our pets. At least with humans we stop after puberty, but not so with our faithful companions. It is time to take matters into our own hands and do the necessary research to determine if these vaccines are even necessary. Which ever decision you choose, you will bear the fruits or the consequences, which have a direct bearing on your pets health and life.

Dry Or Wet, Dog Food? - How to choose

Dry or wet dog food, which is better? Everybody has a preference when it comes to dog foods and what you should feed your dog. Some people say wet is better, some people say dry is better and still other people say you should feed some of both. If it is a good quality food and your dog is getting all of his essential vitamins, minerals and daily nutrition, feed whatever you want. You are the one that needs to decide, dry or wet dog food?

I have found through personal experience and talking with Veterinarians and friends that Royal Canin brand dog food is a good quality food that can be found in both dry or wet/ canned food varieties. Royal Can in has a food specifically designed for almost every age, size, activity level and breed of dog, so it is easy to find a food that is geared towards your specific dog. It is available at feed stores, Pet Smart, Pet co, online and many other stores that sell good quality food. They even make a food to help with weight reduction if your little buddy gets too heavy. Royal Canin food is also available on the Veterinary level which means they make food specifically designed to be fed for treatment and prevention of certain canine ailments. 

This particular line is only available through your Veterinarian.To purchase any of these foods, please click on their picture below.   I used to feed my dog a mix of wet and dry food when he was younger because I had trouble getting him to eat his dry food without it. I switched back and forth with foods trying to find something he would eat and I finally found one he would eat without anything added to it. I started feeding my dog Royal Canin dry food, he likes it and it is specifically designed for his body type and breed.Certain breeds, sizes and ages of dogs do better eating wet/ canned food versus dry food. Small breed dogs and puppies do better with wet food because it is easier to digest. It is also helpful to feed puppies and small breed dogs wet/ canned food because it can be hard to find kibble in a size small enough for them to chew. Senior dogs tend to have a tougher time digesting their food and sometimes due to dental disease have difficulty trying to chew hard food so canned/ wet food is a good choice. 

Dogs that are prone to kidney and urinary tract issues sometimes warrant  the use of wet/ canned food over dry because of the water content found in wet/ canned food.Some dogs will not eat strictly dry food and need to have canned food added to their food. Royal Canin makes wet/ canned food as well to go along with their dry food diets. They are just as good as the dry food and they may help with the picky eater that you may have.I feed my dog strictly Royal Canin dry food now, just because it is easier for me. I work a lot of long hours and my dog goes with me to my job. We also do a lot of outdoor activities on the weekends and It is a lot easier to travel with a container of dry food in my bag than having to tote around a can or worse yet an open can of dog food when we are out and about.Some people argue that dry food is better because it helps with plaque on the teeth. 

How many dogs do you know that chew their food? My dog inhales his food, he may chew a few pieces, but not much. Some people say that wet food is better because it is more palatable and more resembles what they would have eaten in the wild. They eat bones in the wild as well, but canned food doesn’t come with bones? I think that you, your vet and your dog should make the decision whether dry or canned/ wet food is better for your dog. Weather you feed dry or wet dog food, make sure your dog is getting the right amount of food. Feeding too much or too little can lead to major health problems down the road.           

A well trained puppy is a happy puppy

What many dog owners don’t realise is that spending time training your dog leads to a well adjusted and happy dog.Consider this: A dog is living in a people’s world. Inherently he is a pack member and has the inborn instincts of a pack member. This he has derived from wolves, his ancestors, that long ago formulated rules to which the pack needed to conform. Basic preservation was a strong motivating factor for conformity. No wolf wanted to be shunned or injured by the pack an inevitable consequence of non conformity.Sure dogs have spend many generations conforming to humans and have moved along the spectrum away from their wolf instincts. Dogs were probably the first domesticated animal, but nevertheless pack instincts still remain.A dog can often become confused with his role amongst human owners. 

This confusion often results in bad behaviour which in turn frustrates the dog’s owner. Training helps to clarify this role leading to a reduction in tension. Bad behaviour becomes less of a problem. Continue the training process and soon you will have a well trained, obedient dog.Obviously the owner of a well trained dog is will have a sense of pride in his best friend. Imagine a dog that you can let off the lead at will, that will return at your call. A dog that can be called away from other dogs. A dog that does not bark incessantly annoying neighbors. Imagine a dog that although friendly does not knock your mother in law over when she comes to visit.This and more is the result of an intelligent training program.The dog will find that his owner will happily take him on walks and outings. Compare the well trained dog’s life to that of the untrained dog whose owner dreads taking him out lest he find himself in a situation that he can?t control.

Training by the owner enriches the relationship between dog and owner. Training is a win-win situation for dog and owner. I strongly recommend that you take the time to train your dog, it will be the best investment you’ve ever made.

Housebreak Your Young Puppy

Are you prepared to housebreak your young puppy? I'm glad you found my article. Unwind and relax and I think you will know a thing or more.Housebreaking is the most important thing your puppy needs to learn. The conservation of your basic residential health, educated puppies are pleased dogs.As animals of practice, it's in their make-up to preserve routines as group animals. Here is just how you ought to housebreak your young puppy:.Finest Housebreaking Age.At the time your puppy attains the age of 8 to 12 weeks old, it's extremely ideal to begin housebreaking. Remember that trademark that old dogs can not find out brand-new methods' It is exact so why gamble?

Dog instructors advise utilizing a dog crate in housebreaking your puppy. It ought to be taken advantage of comparable to a dog's bed room.The thinking sustaining utilizing a pet crate in housebreaking your puppy is that dogs would certainly not foul their areas where they rest locations. He may do so if you constrain your man in someplace for longer compared to he can keep it in. At no time make use of a crate to penalize your dog, it would boomerang.Often, puppies that are three-months aged have to deal with attributes's requirements every 3 hrs, so you should certainly lead him to a special from doors comfort location more often.Show Your Puppy To Learn Routines.An added tip is to exit the house through one escape exclusively. Through this out should be the one that you prefer your dog to scratch to suggest you concerning his being called naturally.Taking your doggies out at roughly the similar times each day would certainly be extremely valuable for the both of you. This would help in developing a practice, and would certainly oblige your man discover to keep it in waiting for you to become prepared to accompany him out.

If your un-housebroken dog is used to roaming unlimited regarding the home, look for indications that show to you he needs to do it. If you discover your man as he is easing himself, suspend your man making use of a quick nab of his collar and attract it up at the same time asserting "No" utilizing your bass, stringent tone (do not fail to remember to make use of a deep, irascible speech as you explain specifying commands). It is a must to have your dog get used to getting praised whenever he does anything that makes you delighted.Being Client is a Big Possession.Like any type of disciplinary undertaking, housebreaking calls for a great deal of resistance.If you definitely hate washing your dog's leavings off your Persian carpeting on a hourly basis and having your entire home odor like an area powder room, you wish the housebreaking to be an excellence in a wink of an eye, if not sooner.Sound Judgment Makes Use of Good Sense And Is The Way To Go.

The use of good sense will certainly aid you large a great deal in managing your new puppy's housebreaking. Thinking logically should certainly let you understand you to not provide your dog water previous to bedtime if his inclination is to pee frequently at during the evening time.Following his schedule as top priority need to end up being exceptionally helpful in having it gradually switch in to yours.Endurance and typical feeling, uniformity is likewise one of the considerable factors of this dog disciplining workout. If you suddenly draw an empty worrying the routines on your own, do not criticize if your dog if he starts dedicating collisions a lot more often.Best of luck!Potty Training A Puppy:Irrespective of breeds, house training a puppy is considered to be one of the biggest challenges by dog owners. If you think house training your puppy simply involves a steady supply of old newspapers, then think again.A puppy does not develop full control over his bladder until it is over 4 or 5 months old. Since they are growing and developing rapidly at this time, puppies eat more, burn more calories and need to eliminate more frequently than an adult dog.After each nap, meal, drink or play, take your puppy to his designated area (indoors or outdoors, wherever you have decided) and stay there until it eliminates. Then bring him to his crate.Repeat this situation everyday until he has developed a habit out of it.

Kennel Cough, Paraininfluenza in dogs and puppies

The Paraininfluenza virus is the most common cause of Kennel Cough amongst dogs. However Kennel Cough normally includes a host of other related viruses. Although a dog can get Kennel Cough quite badly it is not generally, by itself life threatening. Of course should your dog be weak from another condition, complications can arise. The virus is however very contagious and is easily spread amongst groups of dogs where one dog has the infection. Therefore, if a dog at a kennel has the virus, it can spread rapidly. I guess this is how Kennel Cough derived its name. Symptoms are very much like you would expect from a dog with a severe cough. Symptoms start with a dry cough which can progress into a deep racking type cough. 

Often when coughing it will appear as if something is stuck in the affected dog's throat, or that it is going to vomit. This is however the severity of the cough. If your dog has a severe cough it is advisable to take the dog to a vet. Normally, the dog can recover by itself, but it is definitely not worth the risk. Other more serious diseases can show similar symptoms to Kennel Cough and you may misdiagnose your dog's illness to its detriment. A vet can treat Kennel Cough quite effectively with the range of antibiotics that modern vets have at their disposal. Vaccinations are available to reduce the chances of you dog contracting Kennel Cough. However much like humans with flu injections, dogs can still pick up a different strain or still contract Kennel Cough, but normally with less intensity. Most vets seem to recommend vaccinations against Kennel Cough, and I go along with that thinking. Why expose your dog to any more risks than necessary. Be wise and vaccinate against Kennel Cough (Parainfluenza).

Puppy Behavior And Obedience Training

It lays out a foundation which you can use to solve most behavioral problems your puppy / dog will encounter. Obedience training your puppy / dog opens a line of communication and mutual understanding that is necessary when dealing with puppy / dog behavioral problems.Your puppy / dog is an animal and without socializing it with proper obedience training it will behave with all the natural instincts of a wild animal. The puppy / dog will destroy your possessions, try to dominate you and your family and be a pack leader, they will act aggressively towards people visiting your house which he regards as his territory, he will fight other dogs or maybe bite members of your family. Obedience training your puppy / dog will not it self cure behavioral problems, but you have a tool to redirect inappropriate behavior into desired behavior.How obedience training your puppy / dog can help solve behavioral problems.

When obedience training your puppy / dog you are the same time establishing a social hierarchy. When you gives your puppy / dog positive reinforcement when following your obedience commands, he will try to get that positive reaction again. Step by step the puppy / dog plays himself into a subordinate role, accepting you as the pack leader. When your puppy / dog obeys obedience commands like 'sit', 'stay', 'off' he shows compliance and respect for you. And the puppy / dog loves to perform these obedience commands and get the positive reactions from you. 

When your puppy / dog is reacting positively on the obedience training he is also accepting that you are in charge. This gives you a perfect foundation for solving future behavioral problems.When to start obedience training your puppy / dog. Some people argue, that you should not train your dog before it is 8-10 months old. This is true if the training involves physical exercises like dog agility jumps, in which case the bone structure of your puppy has not developed. But the right time to start regular puppy / dog obedience training is ... now! The same thing can be said about obedience training older dogs. It is never to late to start, so get started now.

How to get started with obedience training your puppy / dog First of all it is always good to seek advice by professional dog trainers, but never let the dog trainer substitute you. You can enroll in an obedience training class to get started, but the best obedience training happens in your home, naturally integrated in your daily activities. The puppy / dog is learning best in home environment. When the puppy / dog has learned his first obedience commands, then take him out and learn him also to follow the obedience commands in environments with different kinds of distractions. Learning your puppy / dog the first obedience commands. 

The well-known dog trainer Dove Cress well shows you in these short, straight to the point lessons how to learn your puppy / dog obedience commands.Free Lessons - obedience commands. She also gives you important tips on how to motivate your dog and keeping a good progress without loosing his - or yours - enthusiasm.Rewarding your puppy / dog when obedience training. The importance of positive reinforcement by rewarding your puppy / dog when obedience training cannot be emphasized to much. The more often your dog is getting positive attention for doing his best to perform your obedience commands, the happier he will be and the faster he will learn. 

We are to often taking good behavior as granted and are falling into the trap focusing on correcting bad behavior. Negative corrections are doing no good, lots of positive attention for every good behavior are building a mental strong, happy and self-confident dog. The effect of your puppy / dog obedience training will be many times bigger with positive reinforcement and chances of changing any kind of bad behavior will improve, when you build your relationship with your puppy / dog mainly on rewarding good behavior, instead of punishing the unwanted behavior.

Training the Basics, Sit

Training your dog to "Sit" is the most common obedience commands. Many other commands will follow this one. Here is some simple steps to get your dog to sit.The method you’ll use to teach your dog to sit is known as the “lure and reward” method. You’ll lure your dog into a sitting position, then immediately reward her. It’s a popular method because it’s effective, easy for you to do, and easy for your dog to learn.A great “side-effect” of this method is that it allows a natural motion to become a visual cue… a form of sign language for your dog.

This is so cool! Dogs are very visual and they often respond to body motions better than they do to sounds. (You’ll need to keep this in mind as sometimes it can work against you: to your dog, your voice may be saying one thing while your body language is saying the opposite. In dog communication, body language trumps verbal language every time. We’ll cover this in more detail later.) Imagine being able to use hand signals as commands for your dog when you’re on the phone, or too far away for your dog to hear you. It’s definitely something worth pursuing.

So let’s get on with the lesson.Teaching Your Dog to SitRead this lesson first, and then practice it with your dog.
1. Load up your pocket (or a bag or pouch) with treats.
2. Take your dog to an area where there won’t be a lot of distractions.
3. While your dog is standing, put a treat in your hand, and move your hand to within an inch or so of your dog’s nose. Make sure she smells the treat hidden in your hand and is focusing her attention on it.
4. Move your hand slowly backward, about an inch over her head, between her ears, toward her tail. Keep your hand low over her head so she doesn’t try to leap up to get the treat.
5. As your dog watches your hand with the treat move just above her head, she will raise her chin up—and her butt will plop down into a sitting position. When that happens, immediately give her the treat and say “Good!”
6. Now move a few steps away. Get your dog to stand and follow you.
7. Repeat Steps 3, 4 and 5.
8. Did you notice you haven’t told her to “Sit” yet? Don’t say that until you can get her to sit consistently by moving your treat-filled hand over her head, toward her tail. Once you’re sure she’s going to do this properly the next time you do that, say “Sit” a split second before you start moving your hand. When she sits, immediately reward her with the treat and “Good!”
9. Repeat this process five times, saying “Sit” just before she does so. If your dog doesn’t do what you wantIf your dog backs up instead of sitting down as you move your treat-filled hand over her head and toward her tail, position her so that she’s facing out of a corner and cannot back up without hitting the wall.Practice this lesson two or three times each day during the week.

Vary the time of day and location. Do no more than five repetitions during each lesson. Reduce the number of repetitions as your dog learns… eventually asking her to sit just once, two or three times a day. Dogs tend to learn to sit quickly, and repeating the lesson too often will only make them bored (remember, we don’t want bored students). After a few of days of successful “Sit” practice, start to focus a bit on your hand movement. As you move your treat-filled hand over your dog’s head and toward her tail, begin to emphasize an upward sweep of your hand… less over her head, more in an upward curve toward your body.